Haysden Country ParkAnytime Orienteering

Course Type: Permanent / Virtual

Terrain type: Parkland

Location Info

Near: Tonbridge
Lat,Lng: 51.19129,0.24746
What3Words: ///mercy.acid.little

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Directions / Parking

Pay & display parking.


Haysden Country park is located close to Tonbridge and is managed by Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council. The park is flat and low lying, containing 2 lakes, and with part of the River Medway running through it. It is a haven for wildlife, particularly waterfowl.

Map / Terrain

Maps available onsite at Haysden and also from the Castle Gift shop soon.

Download all the maps and info sheet here.

Scale is 1:7,500 so is larger than Ordnance Survey. Map also shows more detail – fences, knolls, depressions, distinctive trees, and uses different colours to aid navigation – yellow is open land, white is runnable woodland, light through to dark green represents woodland that is increasingly difficult to pass through.

Course Information

Start/Finish location Dependent on course - either to the west of the car park over a small bridge, or to the East of the car park past the cafe and under the railway.

CourseDetailsResults links
Long4.3km, 15 controlsLong Results
Medium3.0km, 11 controlsMedium Results
Short2.1km, 9 controlsShort Results

MapRun Directory Path

UK > Find Your Way > FYW Kent > Haysden


Superb Café selling cakes, sandwiches and hot food, (opens 8.30am-3.30pm).

Toilets available adjacent to the car park. Playpark and picnic area.

Safety Notes

The Park has lots of water features with 2 main lakes, the River Medway, and many other minor water channels. Please take care around the water. Otherwise the park presents few hazards other than:
- trip hazards, and uneven ground

- other park users and dogs

Please note specifically:
- as the park is on a flood plain, in times of heavy rain some of the courses may not be accessible due to standing water.
- some of the courses may involve crossing sports pitches and areas used for occasional events. Please go round the edge of these areas if in use.
- some of the courses also go around Tonbridge Castle which occasionally hosts private and ticketed events which may restrict your access to the sites at times. Details can be found by contacting the Castle Tourist Information on telephone number 01732 770929.

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