KNC 14 - Hosey Common (DFOK)Thu 23 Jan
Kent Night Cup
Local level event
Explanation of event levels
Local events are usually low key and in the 'localised' area, ideal for newcomers to try the sport and Training events are non competitive and used for training and coaching, aimed at members of the club, but they can attract people from neighbouring clubs, and are often ideal for newcomers to try the sport. Regional events attract participants from around the local Region, National events are high quality competitions that will attract people from far away, Major events are Major Events such as a British Championships. Virtual events are where there are no physical controls being used. Your presence at a control is registered using an App on your mobile phone, normally the free MapRun App.
Terrain type: Woodland
Full Results with Splits on DFOK Website
After all the rain and wind of recent days, Thursday night was surprisingly still and clear - but cold - for this week's KNC 14 at Hosey Common and Tower Wood near Westerham.
Neil Speers of DFOK created a challenging course making good use of some remarkably complex terrain, particularly on the east side of the area. Hosey Common is covered with old pits and even mine workings, dug to extract sandstone and ragstone for use in local buildings in centuries past. The combination of extensive patches of dense vegetation, brambly 'runnable' woodland and a path network that is confusing in places all conspired against any particularly high scores this week.
Mark Ford of Saxons led out with 170 points (17 out of 21 controls), followed by Neil Crickmore (SO) on 160, then Sean Cronin (SAX), Ian Ditchfield (MV) and Alan Hickling (SAX) all on 140. Less than a minute separated Sean and Ian, and just 7 seconds Ian and Alan. Sam Prior (SAX) was first woman with 70 points. Only 14 of the 23 runners scored 100 or more, underlining the difficulties of navigating precisely at night in an area like this.
Thanks to Neil and DFOK for the event, and to Squerryes Estate for permission to use their land.
- Graham Denney
Hosey Common and Tower Wood
Event being organised by Dartford Orienteers
Location Info
Near: Westerham Lat,Lng: 51.25690,0.07876
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