KNC 15 - WhitstableThu 30 Jan
Kent Night Cup
Local level event
Explanation of event levels
Local events are usually low key and in the 'localised' area, ideal for newcomers to try the sport and Training events are non competitive and used for training and coaching, aimed at members of the club, but they can attract people from neighbouring clubs, and are often ideal for newcomers to try the sport. Regional events attract participants from around the local Region, National events are high quality competitions that will attract people from far away, Major events are Major Events such as a British Championships. Virtual events are where there are no physical controls being used. Your presence at a control is registered using an App on your mobile phone, normally the free MapRun App.
Terrain type: Urban
Firstly, apologies for the download issues. I am confident that we will have sorted them out in the results. Me and that red laptop have issues, and as a KNC organiser so far its about 8 nil to the laptop!
I hope you all enjoyed the new challenge of virtual roadblocks. I certainly heard plenty of complimentary comments - thank you. But I cannot take all the credit. First, John as a new broom to KNC was asking for new ideas last year, and I suggested that we adopt an idea I came across at the Ghent Euro City Race in 2023 where an otherwise grid iron type like urban map was spiced up by these virtual roadblocks. Simon B sorted out the MapRun to show them clearly in the results. I decided against disqualification for pinging the roadblock in favour of a heavy penalty, but even this did not put off a few rebel runners who took delight in running straight through one (other accidental pings have been ignored).
Thanks to all who made the event, and to all those (nearly everyone it seems) who also made it to Wetherspoons. It made all the effort worthwhile, and I hope you enjoy your very cheap prizes.
Footnote: One of the participants wrote in his thank you note '... The Whitstable alleys are always good, and blocking off some roads to force us down them was a stroke of genius - although I think the local foxes were getting a bit fed up with us disturbing them. ...'
MapRun traces etc can be viewed via this link
A round of the KNC in north Kent. Street orienteering with a twist.
Location Info
Near: Whitstable Lat,Lng: 51.35801,1.03430 What3Words: reference.scoring.honestly
Open an interactive map in: GoogleMap - OpenStreetMap - AppleMaps - BingMap
Directions / Parking
Whitstable Railway Station car park, NORTH SIDE of station. Use upper or lower level car parks adjacent Railway Station/Railway Avenue. Nearest Postcode CT5 1RB
what3words: enter one way system at reference.scoring.honestly and then follow road across front of station and, if preferred, down and round to lower car park.
Sorry, but parking charges apply 24 hours - but only £3.20 for the whole 24 hours. Far cheaper than elsewhere in Whitstable. Pay by cash, card or phone. Also some free roadside parking after 18.30 hours, especially to south of station; then use pedestrian overbridge to access the northern station car parks.
Registration/enquiries will be at top of steps outside north side of Station.
Public Transport Options
Railway station: Whitstable 50m max, so no excuses!.
Pre-event Details
Map / Terrain
Map: Whitstable full colour urban map at 1:4,000 scale, 2.5m contours. Updated December 2024.
Maps will be printed on A3 waterproof paper.
Urban area – streets (many unmade), paths, grassed public open spaces. Some short flights of steps and raised pavements. Road shoes suitable but care may be needed on unmade roads or paths that might be muddy, and some paving might be uneven, especially in unlit alleyways.
Course Information
This is a MapRun event.
60 minute score suitable for all abilities. 21 controls numbered between 1 and 35; visit as many as you can, in any order. 10 points per control, 10 points penalty per minute/part minute beyond 60 minutes.
Special rules apply:
There will be 5 dumbells between 10 controls, both relevant controls ending with a matching number e.g. 21 and 31. 20 bonus points available for each dumbell completed in any order, but only once each. Dumbells will be shown on map with a line between the relevant controls.
NEW! There will also be NINE VIRTUAL ROADBLOCKS that will earn you a MINUS 50 PENALTY if you use these routes. Plan your route to avoid using these routes. They will be very clearly shown on the map and will trigger a ping on Maprun, with the points deducted manually after download.
Event will use MapRun – no physical controls. MapRun6 or 7, using mobile phone or GPS device (details available separately). DIBBER REQUIRED FOR FINISH (ACCURATE TIMING & SAFETY CHECK).
Please make sure you punch the finish unit (to stop your run time) by 8.40pm (course closing time) immediately after pinging the finish control. Finish punch will be adjacent to Maprun finish control.
Juniors (age 15 or younger) are welcome to take part but must be accompanied by an adult (condition of British Orienteering insurance for Street events)
Bright headtorches used by competitors should not be shone in to households potentially upsetting the young or elderly occupants. Move promptly away from the control after punching. Please be courteous to the public
Separate/loose control descriptions will not be provided.
Read more about Course lengths and Difficulty here
Entry Details
Pre-entry only via
Entering as an Individual (take part on your own)
Seniors (British Orienteering members) £7, Non-members of BO £10.
Juniors & students £4 (BO or non-BO).
Entering a Group (going round together)
1 dibber. Includes a map for each person in the Group:
£12 (British Orienteering members), £15 (non-BO), covers all in the Group
Dibber loan (non SIAC): Free.
Registration and Start times
Registration: Pre-entry only by midnight Wed 29 January (day before event).
This will require details for safety purposes
No Registration on the night.
The Start will be a 5 minute walk away from car park. We will leave car park at 7.20pm for a short walk to and safety briefing at the start.
Mass Start 7.30pm
The nearest toilets are at Wetherspoons, CT5 1DD w3w tips.whizzing.toads (upstairs as you enter) but parking tricky. Alternatively Tesco on Thanet Way CT5 3EE w3w rice.unit.melon before entering Whitstable.
Nearest defibrillator is at Whitstable Railway Station, London bound platform, with 24 hour access.
Apres-O & prizegiving: At Wetherspoons ‘The Peter Cushing’, 16-18 Oxford Street, Whitstable CT5 1DD. This will be shown by a refreshments/drinks symbols on the race map for your convenience. Food to be ordered and paid for at pub.
This is exactly 0.5 miles from the download, and a flat 10 minute walk. Or you can drive and park at rear in Shaftesbury Road CT5 2AW w3w hamsters.indeed.eruptions, but this will incur additional pre and/or post 9pm Canterbury City Council parking charges of £1.90 per hour plus a £2 overnight charge from 9pm.
Dog restrictions
Well-behaved dogs on a lead.
Contacts / Officials
Planner / Organiser: Graham Thomas 07900 257347 email email hidden; JavaScript is required.
Nearest A&E Hospital
William Harvey Hospital, Ashford TN24 0L
NHS Urgent care search
Safety Notes
Carrying some sort of torch is advised since there are areas and alleyways with few or no street lights. Some unmade roads and paths which might be muddy. Some pavements or alleyways might have uneven slabs or surfaces. Some steps. Road shoes suitable, but take care on uneven surfaces. Also lamp posts.
Wearing High Visibility clothing is strongly advised. Please wear hi-viz or light coloured top – no all black kit please as you will be crossing roads, albeit they are not expected to have much, or fast moving traffic during the event.
A cagoule may be required in inclement weather.
You will need to look after your car keys yourself (eg carry in zipped pocket or waist strap).
An Emergency contact number will be printed on the map. Carrying a mobile phone is strongly recommended and mandatory for newcomers. You can let us know if you are lost or late, and we can contact you if you have not returned.