KNC 17 - Longbeech Wood NorthThu 13 Feb
Kent Night Cup
Local level event
Explanation of event levels
Local events are usually low key and in the 'localised' area, ideal for newcomers to try the sport and Training events are non competitive and used for training and coaching, aimed at members of the club, but they can attract people from neighbouring clubs, and are often ideal for newcomers to try the sport. Regional events attract participants from around the local Region, National events are high quality competitions that will attract people from far away, Major events are Major Events such as a British Championships. Virtual events are where there are no physical controls being used. Your presence at a control is registered using an App on your mobile phone, normally the free MapRun App.
Terrain type: Woodland
A cold, but dry and still evening at Longbeech Woods greeted our 27 runners on the 17th KNC of the season. A total of 22 runners chose the same first two controls opting to get an obvious dog leg out of the way early. The woods challenged the planner due to the proliferation of brambles over what should have been runnable woodland. Nevertheless, there were some nice ‘orienteers’ controls in the north of the map and a what became infamous tree in a hole amongst lots of other trees in the southeast corner; quite literally everyone couldn’t see the tree for the woods! Most surprisingly control 100, which was only 94m from the start, was only visited by six people!
Congratulations to Brendon Howe who was first back and the winner, clearing the course in 51:55. Alison Howe was first lady back, scoring 160 points. Other notable performances were David Lobley 4th and one of our newcomers James Pullen who was 10th
Thank you to our control collectors, the organisers really do appreciate your help. Finally, Happy Birthday to our series co-ordinator, John Cross, who brought cakes to the apres-O.
A round of the KNC in East Kent. Mixed forest.
Location Info
Near: Charing Lat,Lng: 51.22707,0.83869 What3Words: ///
Open an interactive map in: GoogleMap - OpenStreetMap - AppleMaps - BingMap
Directions / Parking
Parking is at The Wagon & Horses Pub which is on Faversham Rd, Charing, Ashford TN27 0NR, approximately 15km northwest of Ashford. The pub is NOT serving food on the night of the event. Nearest postcode TN27 0NR. w3w/// Long/Lat 51.22611739763449, 0.8355803704029944
Public Transport Options
Railway station: Charing 4km (uphill to the event!).
Pre-event Details
Map / Terrain
1:7,500 scale map with 5m contours. Maps will be printed on A4 waterproof paper.
Mixed forest with a lot of brambles! The course has been planned such that you should not need to fight you way through the worst of the brambles. If you find yourselves knee high or above in brambles, you are in the wrong place! I strongly advise you to plan your routes using the excellent path network and don’t be tempted to navigate through the forest. Some of the controls are near the edge of the map or out-of-bounds areas, please do respect the purple hatching when you exit the control site. Finally, don’t forget to visit the change over control between switching sets. Monkery Lane to the south of the map is generally out-of-bounds, except, with caution, you can use the road to navigate out of one control in the south west corner of the map.
Course Information
60 minute score suitable for all abilities. 20 controls in total made up of two sets of ten controls (90s and 100s). Visit as many controls in either set of ten in any order, before switching to the second set, to change from 90s to 100s (or visa versa) you must visit the change over control 111 (non-scoring). 10 points per control, 10 points penalty per minute/part minute beyond 60 minutes. Controls will be collected 70 minutes after the last start (course closing time).
Controls will be SIAC enabled. Separate/loose control descriptions will not be provided.
After your run please Download as normal. Timing printouts will be provided and the results will be available on the website.
If you are able to help collect controls afterwards, please do volunteer and sign-up in RaceSignUp.
Read more about Course lengths and Difficulty here
Entry Details
Pre-entry only via
Entering as an Individual (take part on your own)
Seniors (British Orienteering members) £7, Non-members of BO £10.
Juniors & students £4 (BO or non-BO).
Entering a Group (going round together)
1 dibber. Includes a map for each person in the Group:
£12 (British Orienteering members), £15 (non-BO), covers all in the Group
Dibber loan (non SIAC): Free.
Registration and Start times
Registration: Pre-entry only via by midnight Wed 12th Feb 2025 (day before event).
This will require details for safety purposes
No Registration on the night.
The Start is in the woods, so please congregate in the carpark near the organiser's car at 7:15pm.
Mass Start 7.30pm
There are no facilities near the event site.
Apres-O & prizegiving: At The Spices of Bengal (Indian Restaurant), 2km from the event centre. Pre-order food on the night prior to the start. Address: Threeways Garage, Charing Hill, Ashford TN27 0NL. W3W: ///ambient.relishing.pots
Dog restrictions
Well-behaved dogs on a lead.
Contacts / Officials
Planner / Organiser: Andrew Derrick 07791288986 email andrew”at”
Nearest A&E Hospital
Canterbury Urgent Treatment Centre, CT1 3NG Tel: 01227 864244 William Harvey Hospital, Ashford TN24 0L
NHS Urgent care search
Safety Notes
Some sort of torch essential plus a small backup/reserve. Carrying a whistle is mandatory (as a casualty, blow six short blasts, wait 1 min, repeat). A cagoule may be required in inclement weather. You will need to look after your car keys yourself (eg carry in zipped pocket or waist strap).
An Emergency contact number will be printed on the map. Carrying a mobile phone is strongly recommended and mandatory for newcomers. You can let us know if you are lost or late, and we can contact you if you have not returned.
Nearest AED (Defibrillator) : Charing Fire station, School Lane, Charing, TN27 0JN