Latest issue of SaxAlert is available to download!SaxAlert Issue 194: PDF Available For Download
SaxAlert issue 194 is now available to download as a PDF - just click on this link. The file size is about 8MB.
As ever, thank you so much to everybody who contributed to this issue.
If this link doesn't work for you, try downloading from the SaxAlert page instead.
You should be able to view PDFs in your browser. Alternatively you can get Adobe Acrobat Reader for free from Adobe's website.
Previous issues of SaxAlert can also be downloaded from the SaxAlert page - so if you missed any, this is the place to catch up!
Hope you enjoy reading this issue. If you have any contributions for the next issue, please send them to me at email hidden; JavaScript is required as soon as possible.
Thank you to everybody who contributed to this issue - SaxAlert couldn't exist without your help.
Graham Denney, Editor