Kent Night Cup Final

The Final instalment of the 23/24 KNC season was at Knole Park. What will we do on our Thursday nights for the next 6 months?!
Saxons Victorious at Compass Sport Cup Heat

A super team turnout of 35 souls ensured a good showing at this year's Compass Sport Cup Heat held at Esher Common on Sunday 18th Feb. Saxons beat off strong competition from MV, SOC and BKO to take the win by a massive 21 points.
Kent Schools Winter Orienteering Newsletter

The Winter Term newsletter is now available. Contains details of upcoming events, the South East Junior Squad trip to Oslo, the 2024 British Schools Orienteering Championships, orienteering teaching activities, and details of the 2024 Medway Senior School Games Orienteering event.
Saxons Team Events this SpringDeadline looming!!

We have three exciting team events this spring that Saxons members can get involved in. Join us for the CSC, JK Relays and British Relay Championships. Deadline for JK Relay entry is 8th March! Find out more details on how to enter each event below...
Latest edition of SaxAlert

SaxAlert Issue 194 (Winter 2024) is now available for download here. Previous editions are available here.
More Overseas Success for Saxons

In early November Sarah Howes went off to Italy for the XXXVIII Venice Orienteering Meeting which involves lots of fun navigating around the intricate pattern of streets, alleyways, squares, canals and bridges that make up Venice.