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Dockyard delight for Saxons!SE Sprint Championships in Chatham

This was the first event at Chatham Historic Dockyard: 2 rounds at Sprint distance

Sat 4 Dec 2021Read more…

Saxons at S6D (aka S3D)!

Notwithstanding the limited event days for participants, Saxons enjoyed the challenges of the Lochaber 2021 Scottish 6 Days.

Fri 6 Aug 2021Read more…

Lagganlia Training Camp Success!Congratulations to Austin Howe for securing a place

Each year the Junior Regional Orienteering Squads selectors choose up to 24 junior orienteers from across the four nations to take part in a week long residential orienteering training camp. 

Mon 21 Jun 2021Read more…

SaxAlert wins CompassSport award

CompassSport Magazine editorial team make an annual award to club magazines for their content and general layout and SaxAlert was in the top six (they are not ranked). 

Tue 9 Mar 2021Read more…

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